What mistakes not to make when getting a car loan?

Getting car finance is easy these days and buyer has a number of options to proceed including dealer finance, no credit check car loans or directly with the banks.

Read some of the mistakes to avoid when getting a car finance on this blog.


If you are having bad credit issues and want to get a car loan, read this article on top tips to get approved with bad credit.

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How to get approved for your car finance in Australia?

Car finance industry in particular in Australia has definitely revolved around and getting approved for your car loan and secure a great interest rates can be achieved by following right steps.

There are low rates available on new or demo cars however securing good interest rates on used vehicles requires to have a good credit history, stable source of income and other relevant factors.  Here are some of the car finance tips from Carsguide on how to secure a great car loan in 2015.

Successful financial plans

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Car Loans Tips For Discharged Bankrupts


Cars have fast become an essential part of life, regardless of your financial situation. But what happens when you need to buy a car after going through bankruptcy? Read more about Bad Credit Car Loans’ blog at http://badcreditcarloans.com.au/blog/car-loans-tips-for-discharged-bankrupts

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How to budget for a bad credit car finance?

If you are having bad credit issues and looking for a car finance, this article can help you understand and ways you can budget for it. Read more about it…..


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What to Look for When Refinancing a Car?

If you are looking for refinancing your car, here are some of the tips you should consider to help you make a right choice.  Refinancing your car loan involves taking out a new loan for your car to pay out your existing loan. It’s not buying a new car, it’s simply replacing the finance attached to it.

Read more about top 5 tips at http://bestsellingcarsblog.com/2013/10/09/guest-post-top-5-car-refinancing-tips


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Top Tips to Manage Car Finance When Improving Your Credit History

Bad credit history makes it hard to get a wide range of loans approved, but bad credit car loans offer a solution to finance needs and a way to rebuild your credit.

The credit reports collated by agencies like Dun & Bradstreet and Veda Advantage contain the history of loans and other accounts, including payment details, loan applications and defaults.

– See more at: http://www.humblesavers.com/2013/3-tips-to-manage-car-finance-when-improving-your-credit-history/

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Top 5 Ways to Lower Your Car Insurance Cost

I have many people asking on how to reduce car insurance cost or ways to select best and most cost effective car insurance package so have decided to write top 5 ways to lower your car insurance cost here hoping it will help people understand car insurance selection on a broader term. 

1. No-offence or clear driving record

Having a clear driving record is pretty much up to you. Have you had an auto accident? Have you gotten a speeding ticket? Have you received a citation for a moving violation? If your answer to all three questions is “no,” you’re in good shape.
But if you’ve answered “yes” to one or more of the questions, you need to take an honest look at your own driving. Work on developing safe driving habits and becoming a more defensive driver. It will go a long way towards lowering your car insurance cost—and making yourself and your family safer.

2. Buy a safer, less flashy car

It’s no secret that drivers of luxury cars and sports cars pay the highest car insurance premiums. Luxury cars can be very comfortable to drive and sports cars can be real fun, but in both cases they can make your car insurance cost a lot more than it should.
Think about trading in the flashy car for a more modest one and you could see a serious reduction in your auto insurance cost.

3. Pay your annual or semi-annual car insurance premium up front

Car insurance premiums are usually figured out based on a yearly or six-month cost. But most car insurance customers prefer the convenience of monthly payments, so many car insurance companies offer a monthly payment plan—at an extra cost.
Save this extra cost, pay your annual or semi-annual car insurance premium up front.

4. Take unnecessary drivers off your car insurance policy

The more drivers listed on your car insurance policy, the higher your car insurance cost. You may have forgotten to remove the adult child who went away to college or the old roommate; check your car insurance policy and if they’re still on there but they shouldn’t be, have your car insurance company remove them. Also, there may be people still living at home with you who might never drive your car no matter the circumstances (for example, it’s a stick shift but only you know how to drive one) but they’re on your automobile insurance policy anyway. Make sure to take them off your car insurance policy to reduce your cost.

5. The less you drive, the lower your car insurance cost
Try to find a way to reduce your commute and your overall annual miles drived—and you’ll reduce the cost of your car insurance. Take public transportation, at least part of the way in to the office if it won’t take you all the way. Join a carpool.

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Tips When Buying a Car on Car Lease Arrangement

If you’re a business owner and travel frequently around, then car leasing is the for you. One of the main problems with driving cars long distances is the problems arising from the maintenance, and constant repairs required to keep the car in good running condition. If you lease a car, then the dealership is responsible for the costs, all you will need to pay for is the fuel, and the insurance.

First if you look at you current usage, and the costs year on to maintain your vehicle, minus the insurance cost, this will give you a good idea of what sort of budget you can afford. Although you won’t actually own the car, if you are saving money, and getting the same usage, and performance from the car, then why would you not want such a deal?
Once you have your numbers worked out you can check online for quotes for dealers, and let them fight it out over your budget. Tell them that you want a lease car, and here is your budget. You can let the various dealerships give you quotes, and then compare each of them until the best one wins. Obviously if it comes down to costs, and if the numbers don’t stack up, then tell them so. The dealerships will be so desperate to sell to you that they will make concessions to get your business. Another good tip when you calculate your car lease vs. normal running car costs is make sure you don’t take your average maintenance costs per year.

By this I mean, take your highest cost year for maintenance, and ad 10%
Remember to include the costs of buying the car, and you can average that out over the length of the time you expect to own the car. One of the great things about leasing a car is that since the lease lasts for a limited period of time, you can then get a newer model, and a better car on the market, and off you go again.

Most car dealerships arrange delivery, and so you can just pick and choose which car you want, yes, they might have a limited choice of customisation, and models, but there will be vehicles that will serve your travelling purposes well. If you looking for customisation then you are better off buying your own car, but leasing, to repeat is for saving the long distance traveller money.

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No Deposit Car Insurance – Car Insurance With Low Deposit Required

In the past, many teens and their parents have problem paying a lump sum for their young driver car insurance, which cost a lot more compared to standardized plans for drivers above 25 years old. Now, it is easier to budget and pay the smaller pay as you go car insurance rates even with their part time cash income or allowances.

Monthly car insurance is also another viable short term option for part time drivers. For example, if you only driver during summer or for college student drivers that are having an entire month off, you can avoid paying for an annual policy when they are using only a month or so of protection on the road. Such no deposit car insurance cover makes driving legally and responsibly on the roads more affordable.

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Car Finance with Bad Credit – How to Avail Car Finance with Bad Credit

Bad credit Car Loans

If you have a bad credit rating buying a car may seem to be impossible. But nowadays there are ways you can get finance for a vehicle even if you have bad credit ratings.. Bad credit car loans are planned to assist people with poor credit to get the car they have always wanted. But since the people who apply for a bad credit car loan are already in debt, the interest rates can prove to be a deterring factor. They always end up paying a much higher rate of interest on their bad credit car loan.

With your poor  credit rating  if you are unable to buy a car then a bad credit car loan works in your favor by helping you get that loan. But do not jump at the first bad credit car loan that comes your way even if you are fed up of the tedious procedures you may be undergoing. You may be feeling stressed out with your shopping experiences and the encounter with the car sales person that you may very well want to agree to the first scheme of bad car credit loan that may come your way without understanding the implications of it. This in turn can cost you big money and lots of headaches in the future. So if you have finally decided to go in for a bad credit car loan you should look at some of this information which may prove to be of some help to you.

Here are some tips which may to be of assistance to you-

Firstly, the smartest way to buy a car is to get a pre-approval for a bad credit car loan because it will work in your favor and will prove to be in your advantage when you arrive at the car dealer. It won’t make much of a difference if your lender has approved you or you have a check in your hand or not. It must be realized that the way business is conducted in the present is very different from previously. You may not be able to get a car loan but you definitely qualify for a bad credit car loan. So even if you have a poor record of loan repayment the banks are still willing to lend.

Secondly, if you are not well versed in applying for favorable interest rates try to follow the guidelines which will help you to find the most competitive new bad credit car loan. Also if possible go through the consumer report magazine as the opinions expressed are usually unprejudiced since there is no sponsorship by any particular car dealerships.

Thirdly, some dealerships offer very low sounding rates on new and used bad credit car loans in the range of 0%, 2% or 3% as compared to the present average rate of 7% or 8%. Only if your credit rating is top class can you qualify for this as people who usually go the dealership in the hope of 0% financing, in reality pay a higher rate.

Finally, remember that a bad credit car loan is the equivalent of taking a personal loan offered by banks, building societies and other financial institutions that offer auto loans. The system of repayment over a decided period of time is settled at the outset and with each payment you pay back a portion of the borrowed amount including a portion of the interest to the lender. This in turn reduces the outstanding balance over the term of the bad credit car loan until it is fully paid.

Getting a bad credit car loan is much easier nowadays. All you have to do is to make the payments for your new car loan on a regular basis because it will help you to rebuild your credit.

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